
Showing posts from July, 2020

Capitals of Asian countries

CAPITAL'S OF ASIAN COUNTRIES : Country Capital Afghanistan Kabul Armenia Yerevan Azerbaijan Baku Bahrain Manama Bangladesh Dhaka Bhutan Thimphu Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan Cambodia Phnom Penh China Beijing Georgia Tbilisi Hong Kong City of Victoria India New Delhi Indonesia Jakarta Iran Tehran Iraq Baghdad Israel Jerusalem Japan Tokyo Jordan Amman Kazakhstan Astana Kuwait Kuwait City Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Laos Vientiane Lebanon Beirut Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Maldives Malé Mongolia Ulan Bator Myanmar Naypyidaw Nepal Kathmandu North Korea Pyongyang Oman Muscat Pakistan Islamabad Palestine Ramallah Philippines Manila Qatar Doha Saudi Arabia Riyadh Singapore Singapore South Korea Seoul Sri Lanka Colombo Syria Damascus Taiwan Taipei Tajikistan Dushanbe Thailand Bangkok Timor Leste Dili Turkey Ankara Turkmenistan Ashgabat United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Uzbekistan Tashkent Vietnam Hanoi Yemen Sana'a

Countries in Asian continent

COUNTRIES IN ASIAN CONTINENT : There are  48 countries  in Asia today, according to the United Nations. The full list is shown in the table below, with current population and subregion (based on the United Nations official statistics). Not included in this total of "countries" and listed separately are: Dependencies  (or dependent territories, dependent areas) or Areas of Special Sovereignty (autonomous territories) Sno. Country Population (2020) Subregion 1 China 1,439,323,776 Eastern Asia 2 India 1,380,004,385 Southern Asia 3 Indonesia 273,523,615 South-Eastern Asia 4 Pakistan 220,892,340 Southern Asia 5 Bangladesh 164,689,383 Southern Asia 6 Japan 126,476,461 Eastern Asia 7 Philippines 109,581,078 South-Eastern Asia 8 Vietnam 97,338,579 South-Eastern Asia 9 Turkey 84,339,067 Western Asia 10 Iran 83,992,949 Southern Asia 11 Thailand 69,799,978 South-Eastern Asia 12 Myanmar 54,409,800 South-Eastern Asia 13 South Korea 51,269,185 Eas...